Thursday, January 27, 2005

A Specially Designed Path

I have a problem. I cannot drive over high rise bridges (I don’t do all that well in parking ramps either). It poses a bit of a problem if I want to travel off into unknown territory. To do so I have to know exactly what lies on the road ahead of me. If there is a bridge on the route I must have a partner to drive over the bridge, I must know exactly where the bridge is so I don’t get surprised and find one looming ahead of me with “don’t pull over signs” posted on the approach. (Yes, that has happened, and I did pull over, jumped out and ran around the car while my sister jumped behind the wheel as unhappy drivers behind us lined up waiting for us to get it together).

I was reminded this week of this problem and how I have learned to deal with it. The solution is obvious. Anytime I am taking a trip, I simply ask someone who has travelled that way, what are the best roads to take andexactly what to expect on the trip. Any bridges? Where?

Now, I’m richly blessed in this area. I have 2 brothers who have done a lot of driving and know how to get just about everywhere there is to go. Yahoo gives OK driving directions, but they just aren’t as good as my brothers are. You see, my brothers know me. They know what I cannot do and quickly tell me which roads to take and where I will have to switch drivers so I will not find any unexpected surprises.

My brother Jim, (when traveling to visit him) can give me such thorough details as to my route he’ll even tell me how many traffic lights to watch for, which lane to get into on highways, where toll booths are, best places to spend the night and good spots to eat. He knows the scenic routes, the spots that are worth pulling over and stopping to enjoy. He knows what lies on the road and he knows how to get me to my destination. My brother Royce can do the same thing. If I am going anywhere, the first thing I do is check in with the boys to help me plan my itinerary.

I was reminded in my payer time this week that my spiritual journey is a lot like this. My heavenly Father knows ME. He knows all my weak points, what things I am currently dealing with. He knows what I can handle; He knows what it takes to freak me out. He also knows the path I take. He’s been this way before. He, if I’m listening, will tell me what to avoid, what problems may lie ahead or will direct me in a different direction. Sometimes I wind up in precarious situations, but I have the assurance that He will get me out of them.

A couple years ago I had to pick my daughter up at the airport. I knew I had to park in the ramp and I knew this was going to be a problem. I figured God would bless me with a space on the lower level. I didn’t know as I headed into the parking ramp that I would be entering it from the “top” not the bottom. MY heart was pounding. Tears were forming. When a very quiet voice simply whispered to me, “we can do this”. I focused on just parking the car. I carefully wound around following the arrows, keeping my eye strictly on what was right in front of me, and before I knew it was quietly pulling into a parking space. Tears were running down my cheeks as I turned the motor off. I took big deep breaths, put my head back, slowly while I let my heart quit pounding, laughed out loud, then thanked the Lord. You see, I had just done something that for me was an impossibility.

The first thing I told my daughter after “Hi, glad you’re safe was”; “You will drive the car out of the ramp.” She knows me too, and smiled, “I’ll drive the car out of the ramp.”

I celebrate today this Father who knows me so well, He knows what I can do, and He knows my itinerary. He’s been this way before and talks me through all the pitfalls along the route, enjoys the scenic views and fun places with me, and celebrates with me in time of joy.

Job 23:10: "He knows the way that I take..."
Psalms 103:13 “He knows us inside and out, keeps in mind that we are made of mud.” and Psalms 16:11 “Now you’ve got my feet on the life path, … Ever since you took my hand, I’m on the right way.” (Message)


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